![Christmas Card Competition Winner 2024](https://4905753ff3cea231a868-376d75cd2890937de6f542499f88a819.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/charlesdickens/uploads/asset_image/2_1554_nt.jpg?t=1734440786
Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication
Education and industry partners, including the CBI and the National Careers Service have produced lists of desirable qualities for the workplace and the five LORIC attributes have been selected as the most representative skills across all the research. The LORIC programme focuses on introducing pupils to these skills, encouraging reflection and deepening pupils’ understanding.
PiXL Edge LORIC is a framework designed to help pupils to develop the skills desired by employers and that are necessary for future success. In an ever-increasingly competitive market; these skills will be helpful to our young people in preparing them for adulthood, as well as equipping them with the confidence to be proud of their achievements as they gain an award for the completion of each stage.
All Key Stage Three pupils will be introduced to these key attributes during year 7, being provided with opportunities to build their experience in using these skills that are invaluable in preparing them for the world of work.
PiXL LORIC activities breakdown
Apprentice – completed in year 7 – 10 activities (2 per attribute)
Pioneer – completed in year 8 – 5 activities (1 per attribute)
Graduate – completed in year 9 – 8 activities (1 per attribute, then 3 ‘free choice’ activities from any attribute)
Tutors will cover each attribute (leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication) with pupils during tutor time each week, allowing pupils to learn more about the importance of each one and the ways that they can demonstrate this. We are asking for pupils to show their discretionary effort in order to achieve this qualification, so we will be expecting them to spend time in gaining their evidence. Their evidence for each attribute may be gathered during school time or at activities at home or clubs.
A pupil can submit their evidence for approval once they believe that they have completed an activity. They must provide evidence and write a short reflection on the online platform, which will then be reviewed by their Form Tutor for verifying.
In your child’s planner, you should find a sticker with their log-in details for the PIXL LORIC website - https://theedge.pixl.org.uk/
Please encourage your child to consider how they are developing their leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication skills throughout their learning journey. If you need any support in helping your child with their evidence logging, please contact Mrs Roden or your child’s Head of Year.