Enrichment Activities
Character Education
The Charles Dickens School offers a broad range of enrichment activities, designed to develop our pupils as a whole person, through the PSHEE curriculum, extra-curricular activities and Cultural Capital activities.
Character Education enables us to provide experiential learning opportunities to pupils.
Character Education helps pupils to develop their interests and abilities, provides valuable learning experiences outside their studies, and promotes independence and interpersonal links with pupils in other year groups.
The core aims of our Character Education programme are to:
- Develop pupils’ resilience
- Promote co-curricular opportunities to broaden pupils’ horizons
- Develop independence, self-esteem and responsibility
- Play an active role as members of a democratic society
- Make the most of their own abilities and those of others
- Behave in a socially and morally acceptable way including towards authority and each other
- Encourage pupils to become involved in the life of their community, both inside and outside of school.
- Value the achievements they make, and the achievements of others
- Make informed choices about dealing with risks and meeting challenges now and in the future.
- Decide on values by which they want to live their lives, helping pupils make informed, ethical choices.
- Prepare pupils for the future, pathways and progression with pupils realising their potential.
- Develop a sense of belonging that allows pupils to have a voice and to influence society.
- Develop confident communicators.
The Charles Dickens School Core Values of Character
The school values of Compassion, Aspiration, Resilience and Enthusiasm are embedded into the planning and delivery of Character Education within the school. Consistent promotion, delivery and reference to our core values to our pupils encourage them continue their development to become well-rounded and exceptional young people:
Compassion; empathy, kindness and an understanding of those around us.
Aspiration; challenge oneself to pursue our dreams and ambitions.
Resilience; manage the change in our lives and develop coping mechanisms to make the right choices and overcome obstacles.
Enthusiasm; to have the energy, equilibrium and happiness in life.
Recognising Character:
We know how important it is for pupils to be rewarded and recognised for doing the right thing. Pupils have the opportunity to earn over 50 badges that represent our “pupils of character”, ranging from Orator, College Bowl champions, Attendance, Intercollege Champion and pupil leadership roles and so many more.
We truly believe in the power of empowering pupils to tell their own story of personal development through these badges; proudly displaying the characteristics and values that they have achieved.
CARE values:
Throughout the academic year, pupils will be exposed to the CARE values consistently to embed the importance of these values as future life skills, alongside opportunities within the Personal Development curriculum to broaden pupils’ experience of extra-curricular opportunities to develop them as a whole.
Continued exposure to the school’s core values (CARE) will allow the consideration of these values to become routine, alongside the explicit highlighting of specific values through PSHE, assemblies and extra-curricular provisions.
Character Caught:
Pupils will develop the strength of their character through the regular reinforcement and empowerment of the school’s CARE values. Character will be caught through the ethos and the values of the school.
Character Taught:
Pupils are provided with structured teaching of character, through lessons, PSHE, assemblies and form time. Throughout the school year, the school CARE values, virtue and character are consistently taught.
Character Sought:
Pupils are provided with multiple opportunities to encourage them to actively seek to develop their own character, for example through (but not limited to) Duke of Edinburgh award, PIXL LORIC, Diana Anti-Bullying award and Debate club, alongside our extra-curricular offer.
Pupils are given opportunities within school to experience:
- Outside speakers into assemblies
- One off workshops
- Long term programmes
- Drop in sessions
- Vote in school-based elections
- Pupil Voice (Sit on pupil council and various ‘drive teams’).
- Attend clubs at lunchtime, and after-school
- Go on school trips
- Brilliant Club
- Gifted & Talented club