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Y11 HSC & CD pupils enjoyed a trip to CCCU Health and Social Care Simulation Suite. They engaged in lots of activities linked to future careers in the NHS and Social Care, including correct handwashing and CPR! An inspiring glimpse into University life!#cdschsc


KS4 Cooking Skills Club embraced the season by making pancakes to celebrate Pancake Day. Enhanced with lemon, chocolate, strawberries, syrup and banana, we are pretty sure not many made it home!#cdshospitality


Today marks the start of National Careers Week. The National Careers Week website has created a Virtual Careers Fayre where pupils get the opportunity to explore careers in a range of professions. The link to the website is below:


Always ready to celebrate a day in the calendar, our ladies at Independent Catering, again, pulled out all the stops! Look at these wonderful cakes and biscuits, all made and iced with love for a special day – Happy Valentines everyone and have a great half term break!


Some lucky pupils across Years 8 to 10 had the pleasure of attending a performance of ‘Matilda’ at the Cambridge Theatre, in London. Pupils were far from “Revolting Children”, and were ecstatic in their praise for the production.#cdsdrama


For the final week of this term’s KS4 Cooking Club, pupils literally smashed it! Each made their own version of a smash burger, where the ground beef is smashed down in the pan as it cooks at a high heat to create a charred finish which is both tender and flavoursome.#cdsfood


This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, organised by Place2Be. The theme is “Know yourself, grow yourself” and this week, we will be discussing ways that pupils can look after their wellbeing develop their understanding of their own personal journey through Character.


Say “hello” to our phone holder, wooden robots proudly created by our Year 7 and 8 pupils who are just coming to the end of their 3 term rotation in Design Technology. Aren’t they quirky! Very colourful, and you would never forget where you put your phone!#cdsDT


CDS has achieved the Association of Character Education quality mark, one of few schools in the country who have achieved this . The quality mark provides recognition for transformative character education which is delivered in an explicit, planned and reflective way.


Y10 pupils attended the second Broadstairs Youth Forum having the opportunity to talk with Cllr Joanne Bright and the Mayor of Broadstairs & St. Peter’s. Their contributions were insightful and mature, showing real engagement in community issues.


Kooth Talks are running a free parent/carer webinar about the role of Kooth and Qwell in the care for young people with an eating difficulty, Tuesday 25 February and Thursday 27 February at 6pm. Please use this link if you would like to sign up.



“Cooking for life” KS4 Hospitality Club focused on making loaded potato skins, a great way to use up whatever you have in the fridge and the cupboards to create a delicious and nutritious meal. They tasted amazing! We think you’ll agree they look very tempting.#cdshospitality



KS4 Hospitality Club made a chilli-con carne from scratch, folded a wrap parcel and then dry fried it, in a pan, garnished with coriander. A great quick dish for dinner or lunch! Y11 intervention was focused on the high level skills required to make homemade mayonnaise.


A Year 9 CDS pupil attends the “Rays of Sunshine” choir via video call every fortnight. The group recently embarked on a project where a few members of the choir each wrote a verse to create an uplifting song. The video and song are available here:


Art pupils in Year 7 were asked to research and respond to a range of artists, using a variety of media. They really enjoyed making their personal responses and developing their skills. Well done Year 7 !#cdsvisualarts


Pupils were lucky to be invited to spend the afternoon with the high-risk photographer James Brabazon, a British documentary filmmaker, journalist and author. He took pupils through his journey, recounting events he had experienced while committing to his career.



CDS pupils are welcome to join us in Breakfast Club to celebrate National Bagel Day (15 January). Pick up a toasted bagel with a choice of topping for FREE in the canteen from 8:00am to 8:25am. Breakfast Club runs each school morning from 8:00am to 8:25am.#cdsbreakfastclub


Kooth is still available over the Christmas break for any pupil that may be struggling with their wellbeing. Please see the video for more information. Winter 2024 Education short .mp4 - Google Drive#cdswellbeing


Thank you to everyone who took part in our “reverse advent” and Christmas foodbank collection this year, for Green Kitchen in Clilftonville. Your contributions will make a huge difference to some families who maybe struggling this year.#cdschristmas


Awards Evening is a chance for the School to celebrate the achievements of its pupils. Thanks go to our special guests, staff who organised and supported this evening, pupils who attended and parents/carers who continually support the progress of their children.


Y7 music pupils have been learning how to play the djembe drums! They have learnt techniques such as call and response, as well as performing polyrhythms and produced their own notation on a score, then teaching it to their group. Excellent teamwork!#cdsmusic


PRESS RELEASE The Charles Dickens School is the highest performing non-selective school in East Kent for the second consecutive year.

Careers Advice

As part of improving the quality and effectiveness of The Charles Dickens Careers Education and Guidance for our students, Mrs Read (Lead teacher for Careers Education, Information and Guidance) and Mr Weller (Lead teacher for Gifted and Talented students) are working with governors, heads of year, teaching staff, students, parents, external agencies, further education institutions and businesses so that The Charles Dickens School continues to ensure that our students receive excellent Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).

Contact details for key staff:

Mrs Read, Lead teacher for Careers Education
Email: Phone: 01843 862988 EXT: 1869

Mr Weller, Lead teacher for Gifted and Talented students

The Charles Dickens School is working to achieve the 8 Gatsby Careers Benchmarks, which reflect international best practice, to improve careers provision. As a school, we will be ensuring that all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are implemented by September 2020.

The school has used Compass, an online self-evaluation tool, to assess how careers support compares against the Gatsby Benchmarks and the national average. We have baselined ourselves using this tool to improve our careers programme based on these results, and track the school’s progress against the Benchmarks over time. A tracker planning tool will be used to help record activities clearly and easily, and will identify how the school is meeting the Benchmark scores. This is the key tool that we use to measure the impact of our Careers work across the school and is reviewed every six months to ensure that progress is being made and impacting the development of all of our students.

The Charles Dickens School is working with The Education Business Partnership (EBP) which will provide external support to the school. The aim will be for every student from Year 7 -11 to have at least one meaningful encounter each year with employers and that these encounters will inspire pupils and allow them to learn about what work is like, or what it takes to be successful in the workforce. In addition to this, the schools aim is for all or the majority of pupils to have encounters with further or higher education establishment. Students will have encounters with these organisations whilst in school (in addition to the access we provide to apprenticeships and universities).

From Year 7 through to Year 11 students are encouraged to actively develop knowledge and skills that contribute to their preparations for the world of employment across a range of subjects, tutor time and dedicated focus days.  Activities, including business and enterprise projects as well as workshops and specialist speakers, support our provision for our students.

In February the school hosts a Careers Fayre for all students.  This event involves 50 local and national business, who working with school staff and our partner EBP, meet with students from all year groups.  All students will have an opportunity to explore a wide range of career opportunities and discuss these with the employers.  This event ties in with the year 11 making their post 16 plans and also the year 8 students choosing their options.

In order to ensure all students have 24/7 access to resources that support CEIAG, there are dedicated areas in the Learner Portal for Careers as well as links to the online software packages and other useful sites to support decision making.

We are also able to ensure that all students have access to independent Careers advice through our Careers Advisor Juliet Lasslett. She is available in school and offers confidential guidance and support to students about careers, education, training and job options, as well as other issues such as health, money, relationships, and housing. All students will have a range of opportunities to work with Mrs Lasslett. Any student who would like a Careers interview should speak with their HOY who will arrange this for them.  The Charles Dickens School offers a general programme of group sessions for year 8 students on choosing GCSE options, individual interviews with actions plans for year 11 students, and attendance at parents’ evenings and options evenings to give advice for parents.

A Personal Advisor can work with you to help prepare your son or daughter for the future. There might be particular times when you need our help, for example when your son or daughter:

  • is starting to think about their GCSE subject choices at Key Stage 3
  • is considering their options after Year 11. Personal advisors can give them advice and guidance on staying on in full-time education, starting work, training, work-based learning or apprenticeships
  • may be experiencing difficulties and they need extra support to get back on track
  • needs advice on the benefits available to them to support their progression through education and training
  • has a learning difficulty or disability and needs help with their next steps

Every pupil, and their parents/carers, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. The National Careers Service offers information and professional advice about education, training and work to adults and young people aged 13 years and over. Pupils and their parents/carers can access support via a website, helpline and web chat. For more information see the websites listed below: