Mission Statement
At The Charles Dickens School we are dedicated to enabling all students to achieve their full potential.
We pride ourselves on being a supportive, innovative and inclusive school community. We are dedicated to ensuring our students develop, both as life-long learners and as responsible young adults.
Expect, Believe, Achieve
“Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do it well; whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself completely; in great aims and in small I have always thoroughly been in earnest.”
- Charles Dickens
Compassion - we want to nurture strong principles of citizenship and caring for others
Aspiration – inspired by Charles Dickens we do not just have high expectations but “Great Expectations” for our young people
Resilience – we believe all students should be supported to develop a sense of self-worth and confidence so that they can cope with challenge and be successful beyond school
Enthusiasm – we want to draw upon the raw talents and energy of our students so they develop a passion for learning
Promoting British Values
The Charles Dickens School firmly believes in promoting British Values. Much of this is through our lessons and assemblies where we teach the importance of:
The Rule of Law
We understand the difference between right and wrong and the consequences of breaking rules and laws.
We can make decisions and participate, so that our voices are heard. We have a Student Voice.
Individual Liberty
We hope to have the wisdom to make the correct choices for ourselves.
Mutual Respect
We work together to help one another. We forgive people. We treat other people with respect and friendship.
Tolerance of other Faiths and Beliefs
We have a diverse society and we have compassion for others. We do not accept the discrimination of others.
When students leave The Charles Dickens School they will be well prepared for life in modern Britain. Students will not only have achieved their full potential academically but they will also have developed into well rounded individuals with an appreciation of mutual respect, tolerance and cultural diversity.