Individual Care and Support
Our pupils are placed in a tutor group with a Form Tutor who will get to know your child and be a familiar point of contact when needed. Heads of Year have the accountability for the overall pastoral care and achievement of their year group and play an important role in ensuring each pupil achieves academically since they monitor attendance, punctuality, behaviour and ensure intervention strategies are in place when appropriate and necessary.
Learning Mentors work alongside Heads of Year and are assigned to each year group to ensure that specific targeted intervention supports students who may be struggling academically and/or pastorally.
Safe and Friendly Community
Our pupils relate well to one another and are courteous and helpful to visitors. They show a strong understanding of right and wrong, tolerance and respect for others. We want our pupils to develop as responsible citizens who will make a contribution to their school and the wider community. We ensure our pupils appreciate British values such as democracy and freedom. However, our school is not just about school experiences but inspiring opportunities beyond the classroom. That is why we offer a range of wonderful destinations such as New York, Paris and the annual European skiing opportunity.
“This school has an excellent VI unit. I find it easy to work and all the staff are really nice. I feel safe in there and get all the help I need”.
- Y7 VI student
Character and Aspiration
Our school seeks to retain the wonderful tradition and heritage of Charles Dickens whilst embracing the modern technological world today. Dickens himself was forward thinking and entrepreneurial. He also inspires us by his dedication to his craft. He knew the importance of hard work and endeavour as the key to success and developing talents. This can inspire our pupils today, everyone can work hard and be their very best.
We believe in traditional values such as hard work, integrity and respect, along with tolerance, diversity and inclusion. We want our pupils to have rich experiences that make them aspire for the very best careers and access to Higher Education and training.
Aspiring together
Parents and carers are the primary educators in every child’s life and we believe successful schools work in strong partnership with them. That is why we believe in regular and informative communication between school and home.
“I have really enjoyed my time at The Charles Dickens School as the teachers are really supportive and they have always encouraged me to try my very best”.
- Y11 Prefect